Micro Services:
Packs small, plays BIG!

Stephan Hochdörfer // 19.03.2015

About me

  • Stephan Hochdörfer
  • Head of Technology, bitExpert AG
    (Mannheim, Germany)
  • S.Hochdoerfer@bitExpert.de
  • @shochdoerfer

  • #PHP, #DevOps, #Automation, #unKonf

The curse of the monolith

Intimidating "old" codebase

Small change, big impact

Long-term commitment

What about a rewrite?

The legacy truth

The LTS truth

The solution?

« [...] This is the Unix philosophy: Write
programs that do one thing and do it well. »
- Doug McIlroy

Programs need to cooperate

« [...] Write programs to work together. Write programs to
handle text streams, because that is a universal interface. »
- Doug McIlroy

What are Micro Services?

« [...] approach to developing a single application as a suite of small services, each running in its own process and communicating with lightweight mechanisms. »
- James Lewis, Martin Fowler

Just SOA? Or better?

Small problem domain

Single Responsibility

« A class should have one, and
only one, reason to change. »
- Robert C. Martin

"Isolated process"


Micro Services platform

Deployment Automation

Built and deployed in isolation

Owns its data storage

Simple communication layer

Smart endpoints, dumb pipes

« Be of the web, not behind the web. »
- Ian Robinson

Open/closed principle

« You should be able to extend a classes
behavior, without modifying it. »
- Robert C. Martin

Data structure evolution

  "id": 123,
  "name": "My Product",
  "categories": [{
    "id": 12,
    "name": "My category"
  "price": 12.34
  "currency": "EUR"
  "id": 123,
  "name": "My Product",
  "categories": [{
    "id": 12,
    "name": "My category"
  "price": [12.34, 14.26]
  "currency": ["EUR", "USD"]

Data structure evolution

  "id": 123,
  "name": "My Product",
  "categories": [{
    "id": 12,
    "name": "My category"
  "prices": [{
    "price": 12.34,
    "currency": "EUR"
  }, {
    "price": 14.26,
    "currency": "USD"    

You build it, you own it

Why Micro Services?

« Micro Services are organised around
business capabilities. » - Martin Fowler

The OODA loop

Team organization

Small Focused Teams

Empower developers

Pick the right tool for the job

Replace it if it does not work

Liskov substitution principle

« Derived classes must be substitutable
for their base classes. » - Robert C. Martin

Easy scaling

Faster development

...but choose a healthy pace!

Try out new ideas...

Micro Services Challenges

« There ain’t no such thing as a free lunch. »
- Robert A. Heinlein

Not as easy as it may seem!

Small services win!

What does "small" mean?

Interface Segregation

« Make fine grained interfaces that
are client specific. » - Robert C. Martin

Standardise in between

Monitoring and Logging

Avoid distributed transactions

Avoid cascading failures

Design for failure

Design for failure

Release early, release often!

Automate all the things!

Dependency Inversion

« Depend on abstractions, not on concretions. »
- Robert C. Martin

Service Discovery

Service Discovery Example

$ composer.phar require "sensiolabs/consul-php-sdk:1.0.*@dev"
require_once __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php'; 

$sf = new SensioLabs\Consul\ServiceFactory();
$kv = $sf->get('kv');

$kv->put('test/foo/bar', 'bazinga');
$kv->get('test/foo/bar', ['raw' => true]);

Document your APIs!

Microservice Example

Microservice Example

$ composer.phar require silex/silex
require_once __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php'; 

$app = new Silex\Application(); 
$app->register(new MyApp\Service\SearchServiceProvider());

$app->get('/search/{term}', function($term) use($app) { 
    $result = $app['search']->search($term);
    return $app->json($result);


Composing your microservice

Microservice Example

require_once __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php'; 

$app = new Silex\Application(); 
$app->register(new MyApp\Service\SearchServiceProvider());

$app->get('/search/{term}', function($term) use($app) { 
    $result = $app['search']->search($term);
    return $app->json($result);

$app = new Alsar\Stack\IpRestrict($app, ['']);


Thank you! Questions?

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