Composer im Unternehmensalltag
Stephan Hochdörfer // 29.10.2015
Über mich
Stephan Hochdörfer
Head of Technology , bitExpert AG (Mannheim)
#PHP, #DevOps, #Automation, #unKonf
Who of you has heard of Composer? Who uses it?
This is no intro to Composer, I assume you already worked with it and you maybe already maintain your
own packages.
Wir: Vielfältige Projekte
A lot of different project with a lot of technology stacks.
In grauer Vorzeit: Subversion
Long time Subversion user. Stayed with it for a very long time, mostly for one reason: svn:externals -
On the one hand a simple, easy solution but on the other hand caused a lot of trouble for us (access
rights management, IDE did not really show externals)
Keine klaren Abhängigkeiten
No one was really aware of the "dependencies". Looked like every class belongs to the project
To be honest: We did not really deal with dependencies, we linked in some ext. folders. No support for
transitive dependencies! No real support for versioning (we always linked to the head of each SVN
Took about 2hrs to setup a new project. 2-3 people "almost" new how to set-up a new project. So in most
cases it was me setting everything up. Over and over again. Even wrote an Eclipse plugin to reduce the
work. Yes, an Eclipse plugin!
I knew we had to change our strategy concerning dependency management especially when we wanted to move
to Git. We almost went the Maven way. But this would have resulted in way more trouble. Composer was the
only real option.
Wie hilft uns Composer?
What are the everyday challenges we are dealing with?
Eindeutige Abhängigkeiten
just look into composer.json or composer.lock and you know what`s going on.
Transitive Abhängigkeiten?
Transitive Abhängigkeiten?
Transitive Abhängigkeiten?
Alles sicher, oder was?
upload your composer.lock file
Jenkins Job as nightly build to check for problems
Security Checker CLI Tool
$ php security-checker.phar security: check ./ composer.lock
Security Check Report
Checked file : composer.lock
[ OK]
0 packages have known vulnerabilities
Security Checker Webservice
$ curl - H "Accept: application/json" https:// check_lock - F lock= @./ composer.lock
Nightly build, weekly build im Jenkins (muss nicht bei jedem Checkin passieren, sollte aber
regelmäßig ablaufen)
Roave Security Advisories
Make your developers aware of the licensing problem. It is so easy to pick any package from packagist
but does it ahere to your company policy or the policy of your customer?
Lizensierungen offen legen
$ composer.phar licenses
Name: customer/ project
Version: 1.0.0
Licenses: proprietary
phpoffice/ phpexcel 1.8.0 LGPL
pimple/ pimple v1.1.1 MIT
psr/ log 1.0.0 MIT
silex/ silex v1.2.1 MIT
symfony/ debug v2.5.4 MIT
symfony/ event- dispatcher v2.5.4 MIT
symfony/ http- foundation v2.5.4 MIT
symfony/ http- kernel v2.5.4 MIT
symfony/ routing v2.5.4 MIT
As Anthony said in the keynote this morning: Composer made the Component Revolution possible. And this
is true. Composer changed the way I think about our projects and their dependencies
I always try to ask the question if there`s functionality which we can reuse in multiple projects? If
so, create a small, reusable (more or less independant) package
Kleine Problemdomäne
Wähle das "perfekte" Tooling
As Anthony said this morning: Do not always use a full stack framework just becaus you can. Pick the
libs that make the most sense for the project. Maybe a full-stack framework, maybe a microframework. Get
rid of what you do not need. Less code, less bugs
Lokale Abhängigkeiten!
Globally vs. locally installed dependencies: Install tools like PHPUnit, Phing locally within your
project. They are dependencies just like Symfony or ZF
Lokale Abhängigkeiten!
PHPUNIT_PATH= vendor/ bin: bin
function phpunit {
for TEST_PATH in "${TEST_PATHS[@]}"
if [ - x "${TEST_PATH}/phpunit" ]
"${TEST_PATH}/phpunit" "$@" ; return $?
PHPUNIT_ON_PATH= "$(type -P phpunit )"
if [ - n "${PHPUNIT_ON_PATH}" ]; then
"${PHPUNIT_ON_PATH}" "$@" ; return $?
echo "phpunit not found!" ; return 127
Eigene Pakete bauen
Libs that take advantage of our infrastructure or the infrastructure of our customers
Wie mach ich es richtig?
Mathias Noback: Principles of PHP Package Design
1. Projektsetup vereinfachen
Back in the subversion days it took quite a while to setup a project and configure svn:externals. With
Composer this whole process is much smoother and can be done by any dev.
Neues Projekt aufsetzen
$ composer.phar create- project symfony/ framework- standard- edition
$ composer.phar create- project -- repository- url= https:// satis.loc
my/ installer myproject
Installer Paket-Konfiguration
"name" : "my/project-installer" ,
"type" : "project" ,
"license" : "MIT"
$ composer.phar create- project -- repository- url= https:// satis.loc
my/ project- installer myproject
Schneller Start ins Projekt
One can not only create an installer for a framework but also to set-up a default project structure for
your companies` projects incl. default dependencies and Vagrant/Puppet setup for a new project. Just a
matter of running vagrant up and the virtual machine is up and running and the developers start to get
their work done.
Anpassbare Kunden-Apps
We often build applications for our customers who sell these application to their customers, usually
with customizations. To make things easier for the dev teams we create custom installers on a per
project basis
2. Pakete standardisieren
Guide the devlopers to make it super easy to bootstrap a new library. Create a sample filesystem layout
incl. the required dependencies, e.g. setup Sphinx for documentation, configure PHPUnit and
3. Mehrere Apps, ein Core
This is what drives a German really crazy ;)
Build one monolithic app, split it into several apps and share common functionality via a "core" package
Beispiel: Assets verwalten
Example: Copy assets to htdocs folder (e.g. dependent package contains php and javascript)
Custom package events
Custom Scripts einbinden
"scripts" : {
"post-update-cmd" : "My \\ Composer \\ PostUpdate::execute" ,
"post-install-cmd" : [
"My \\ Composer \\ PostInstall::warmCache" ,
Pakete parallel entwickeln?
1. Modify files in vendor folder and copy/rsync them to "the other repo"
2. Symlink vendor folder to "the other repo"
3. prefer-source checkout, modify and commit directly
4. Use git submodules
Marathon, kein Sprint
Recommendation: Split as late as possible!
4. Private Composer Pakete
Composer Pakete hosten
Satis is a ultra-lightweight, static file-based version of packagist.
Toran acts as a proxy for Packagist and GitHub.
Satis installieren
$ composer.phar create- project composer/ satis -- stability= dev
Satis Konfiguration
"name" : "My own repo" ,
"homepage" : "http://satis.mydomain.loc" ,
"repositories" : [
{ "type" : "vcs" , "url" : "http://git.mydomain.loc/repo1.git" },
{ "type" : "vcs" , "url" : "http://git.mydomain.loc/repo2.git" }
"archive" : {
"directory" : "dist" ,
"format" : "zip" ,
"skip-dev" : false
$ php bin/ satis build config.json web/
$ php bin/ satis build config.json web/ mycompany/ mypackage
Öffentliche Pakete spiegeln
"name" : "My own repo" ,
"homepage" : "http://satis.mydomain.loc" ,
"require-dependencies" : true ,
"require-dev-dependencies" : true ,
"repositories" : [
{ "type" : "vcs" , "url" : "" }
"archive" : {
"directory" : "dist" ,
"format" : "zip" ,
"skip-dev" : false
Öffentliche Pakete spiegeln
"name" : "My own repo" ,
"homepage" : "http://satis.mydomain.loc" ,
"require-dependencies" : true ,
"require-dev-dependencies" : true ,
"repositories" : [
{ "type" : "composer" , "url" : "" }
"require" : {
"silex/silex" : "v1.2.2"
"archive" : {
"directory" : "dist" ,
"format" : "zip" ,
"skip-dev" : false
Das eigene Satis Repository
Satis Repository einbinden
"repositories" : [{
"type" : "composer" ,
"url" : "http://satis.mydomain.loc/"
$ composer.phar require zendframework/ zend- mail
$ composer.phar require mycompany/ mypackage
Toran Proxy
Toran Proxy installieren
$ wget https:// releases/ toran- proxy- v1.1.4.tgz
$ tar xvfz toran- proxy- v1.1.4.tgz
$ cp app/ config/ parameters.yml.dist app/ config/ parameters.yml
$ php app/ console server: run -- env= prod
Toran Proxy in Aktion
Lokale Repositories
"repositories" : [{
"type" : "path" ,
"url" : "../../packages/mycompany/mypackage"
$ composer.phar require mycompany/ mypackage
Referencing packages located in the same repository e.g. when working with a single, big version control repository.
To secure your private repository you can host it over SSH or SSL using a client certificate.
Use whatever your webserver supports (e.g. ldap auth, http basic auth) or maybe a vpn connection.
HTTP Basic Auth
$ composer.phar install
Loading composer repositories with package information
Authentication required (satis.mydomain.loc):
Username: myuser
Do you want to store credentials for satis.mydomain.loc in
~/.composer/auth.json ? [Yn]
Does not only work for the satis repository but also for git/svn repositories
HTTP Basic Auth (auth.json)
"http-basic" : {
"satis.mydomain.loc" : {
"username" : "myuser" ,
"password" : "mypassword"
"git.mydomain.loc" : {
"username" : "mygituser" ,
"password" : "mypassword"
"svn.mydomain.loc" : {
"username" : "mysvnuser" ,
"password" : "mypassword"
(Kleiner Exkurs)
Vagrant Cachier Plugin
$ vagrant plugin install vagrant- cachier
Vagrant. require_version ">= 1.6.0"
Vagrant. configure ( VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do | config|
if Vagrant. has_plugin?( "vagrant-cachier" )
config. cache. scope = :box
config. cache. enable :composer
config. vm. define "wheezy" do | wheezy|
wheezy. vm. box = 'debian-wheezy-64'
Buildserver Integration
Jenkins Node einrichten
Jenkins Node Environment
Jenkins Job einrichten
Konfiguration kopieren
Jenkins Plugin: Config File Provider Plugin
composer.json validieren
Abhängigkeiten installieren
$COMPOSER_USER and $COMPOSER_PASS are populated from the node environment settings we defined
Jenkins Plugin: Mask Passwords Plugin
Den Build ausführen
Will run PHP_CodeSniffer, PHPUnit, PDepend, ...
Satis Build antriggern
Jenkins Satis Job einrichten
Parameter definieren
Jenkins Plugin: Parameterized Trigger Plugin
Satis ausführen
User benachrichtigen
Jenkins Plugin: Email-ext plugin
Statis Build laufen lassen
Das Ergebnis: Satis ist aktuell